Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
10 June 35
Just got yours of May 6th. . . . You misunderstood me or some one else, Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] is not out. He merely got tired after 2 years of driving 120 miles every Sunday [to assist in performing the Gnostic Mass]. . . .
I feel sure we are on the start of something definite. But please have patience, my time is limited, what with holding down an office job, the mundane duties around this house, cutting lawns etc, being the only man here, and the Priest on Sunday nights etc.
Col Davidson who has constantly attended the Mass, not an "Occultist" thank God came round Sat noon and quite unexpectedly to my surprise reveiled [sic] his interest in organizing the O.T.O.
Think he has real value in this respect. Men are rather scarce. Sat night Muzzy who had attended Mass came over—reveiled that he had been connected with Russell [C. F. Russell], for some time, was fed up and thought it all the bunk. . . . He gives me a good impression. C.P.A., same as Chartered Accountant in England. So now I think I have at least two good men who are willing to be used. . . .
If things move along as I expect you will get tired of receiving letters from me. Write soon.
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