Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




14 June 35







I am enclosing the papers Russell [C. F. Russell] put out.


Last night, Thursday, we had 15 people and they all signed agreeing to join the OTO when started. When we get a still larger number together, we will get down to business.


I do wish you and I could get to an understanding on this money business. I shall be almighty glad when I am in a position to send you a steady sum monthly. You are wrong in your statement to Max [Max Schneider], for a long time Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] made no contribution, and I and John Bamber were responsible for the contribution, at other times, I alone.


For some months past Jacobi has given me 15 dollars a month and had he not, I should be out of this house and the Mass stoped [sic], with the result that the present good opportunities would not exist. To be more exact the 15 dollars consists of 10 dollars from Jacobi and 5 dollars from Viola his girl.


If there is going to be an organization one is responsible to the individuals composing it. I had to do the right thing by those who stuck and did the drudgery to hold this household together. The same applies when the O.T.O. is going.


For instance, if and when 100 people are paying 15 dollars a year subscription, 150 dollars a month, will you be demanding that I turn it all or most of it over to you? And if I don't, write to some other member, Treasurer or what not, with the risk of smashing the organization by undermining the Authority that you state is absolute in the Order.


Of course at any time you could announce, Smith is out and does not represent me. But I am not concerned so much with Smith as the Organisation. "I push thine Order".


May be this Fall we will be in a position to get you out here. I would like to see the Order well established with a good crowd to welcome you.


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