Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
16 Sept 35
Beloved 666
Greetings of the Equinox. . . . I am hard at work on the Minerval. . . . It is quite a business getting the tent and altar etc because I have so little time. Just the noon hour when places of business are open. However I am quite elated though tired. I may yet succeed in getting twelve to go through.
. . . At least I have got one person sold hook line and sinker and enthusiastic, Regina [Regina Kahl]. No I must be fair. The others are not here in the house and not so well informed. Mary Green is great in her way and very enthusiastic. Jimmie Young comes up faithfully early every Sunday and put the Temple in order for the Mass [Gnostic Mass]. Frances Leslie cooks and keeps the house in order. She is good and I think has thrown her lot in with us. Irving Handler has come to us through one of Regina's classes, I believe will prove a loyal supporter. Marie Prescott though I have not paid much attention to, is coming along. She has 2 children to look after at home and no money.
Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] and Viola will be with us on Saturday. He is very much O.K. still. No, I have no complaint, only when you have 5 you want 50 and then 500 and so on.
In a week or two we are expecting Regina to be back at work again. And as what she makes is ours I hope to start sending you a monthly contribution through the winter. . . .
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Very fraternally.