Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
20 Oct 35
Care Frater 666
Well, nothing to report, except a clean sweep of the house. We are down to the lowest point we have ever been; Jane [Jane Wolfe] and sister [Mary K.], Regina [Regina Kahl] and self.
Frances got married to a Jew, one of the worst, last Monday. I am trying my best to get these Minervals stirred up to get more candidates, but it's like pushing a roller uphill by one self. We certainly seem unfortunate in respect to the sample we contact. Either that, or there just are not any intelligent people here. . . .
I am having a one page pamphlet printed, in an effort to get more people interested. . . .
I am hanging on til kicked out, but something better happen soon or I won't be able to pay the rent.
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