Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




13 Dec 35



Care Frater




I have been waiting for further information before answering you. It is really most difficult problem. This business of you and 687 [Max Schneider] beats me. You have each of you admirable qualities, you each have evident defects, but you share enthusiasm for, and devotion to the work. But it is evident that you cannot pull together. This is, however, no reason for quarrelling, and in any case it is ridiculous to appeal to me about it.


What you should both do is to respect each other's sovereignty, and avoid any contact that could possibly lead to disagreement.


He complains that you tried to get Virginia away from him, apparently to do chores and that in the course of the conflict she was removed to the asylum. But I had already formed the opinion from 687's original account of her that she was pretty near the border line, if not indeed something like a half-wit. It is therefore all bollocks to blame you for the catastrophe, and yet I do blame you for poor psychology. You ought to recognised that she was this kind of person and shot her off rather than try to make use of her. Anyhow, forget it; and take it as a lesson to avoid any action which might tread on the toes of a rattlesnake! Excuse Hindno anatomy! Treat 687 with the greatest politeness and even deference but all the time avoiding a mix-up.


Yours of Nov 22.

You say that you are going to copyright the Little Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth] and in yours of Dec 2 you say you had not the money to do it and talk about 40 dollars. But I don't believe for a moment that it would have cost this amount. And anyway, it is Clancy's [Editor of American Astrology magazine] business to do this, and you must make it a condition that he does so. You must also make him pay you adequately. It is only mugs who act otherwise. And I am resigning from the Mug's Union this month. If the copyright is lost, how on earth can you get anyone interested in the book.


Your remarks on the map and glossary are receiving attention.


Negotiations are still in progress with regard to starting the O.T.O. over here, I, moreover, lack news from you, and you say nothing about fees, still less remit any.


Yours of Dec 2.

I think I have answered this already, except your letter to Friedel, which seems to me admirable. I hope you will make something of it. I will let you know as soon as anything breaks about my relations with Lewis [H. Spencer Lewis]. You ought to make yourself acquainted with the exposures of him by Swinburne Clymer, and Leon Batchelor, whose addresses are respectively.


The Rosicrucian Foundation, Quakertown. Penn. and


Leon Batchelor. P.O. Box 785. San Jose. Cal.


93     93/93


Yours fraternally




