Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




23 Albert Road,




January 11, 1936.



Dear Monty,


Delighted to receive your letter of Dec. 29th. The weather is continuously frightful, and I am frightfully worried; as Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] goes into the hospital on Tuesday.


Yorke [Gerald Yorke] is back, I think somewhat chastened in spirit.


I am enclosing you copy of a letter. I hope you will get in touch with Spann [?] and report as to what kind of a bloke he is. I want ultimately to clean up all these fake organisations, not that I hope to get rid of human dishonesty, but because this particular form of it hampers scientific research.


Excuse my brevity. I have not the heart to write letters. Give my love to Rayner.


Yours ever—with a heavy heart.




