Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: 19 March 1936]
Care Frater 666
Sorry to hear of your troubles, and sorry that we could not send you more than 50 dollars from the Profess House. I have had some of my own. Regina [Regina Kahl] had been unwell for two or three weeks, and shortly after cabling you she went off to the hospital, gall stones, and she had terrible pain poor girl. We brought her back to-day. . . . Last Sunday March 15th, was the three-year anniversary of the start of the Mass [Gnostic Mass], and the first time Regina has missed. . . . An hour before starting I got a phone call from the hospital. Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] had called there on the way to take the Deacon's part, and had fallen down in the passage in a faint. . . . It has been a hectic period and a fierce Sunday, the last of the Armageddon Equinox. Let us hope the next Word [of the Equinox] carries some constructive force with it as far as we are concerned.
Saturday, March 21st, we take 3 candidates to the desert for the Minerval. . . . I think matters have taken a turn for the better myself. I feel in a fighting mood—reaction from the down period I have been experiencing.
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