Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




23 June 36



Care Frater 666




. . . I am thrilled with the news about Liber AL, and proud of the amount pledged by the little moneyless group here, though doubtless a drop in the bucket to what you require. The first wire sent you by Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] stated 350 dollars and should have read 35! I mention this as we found it interesting when looking up the number in Sepher Sephiroth after we came down stairs.


You would call for funds when I was thinking hard how to save enough to get new robes for the Mass [Gnostic Mass]. Those we have are just about in rags after three and a half years' use, being none too good at the start. Oh well, the Book of the Law is important.


I really have very little hope. Every Sunday Mass, every Friday evening O.T.O. meeting, Minervals when they come on Saturdays, social parties every now and again, and personal interviews. In addition we are getting ready to put on , and lately we are making a start on "The Ship" with the idea of producing it—I thought possibly first of all to Masonic Lodges, and then the daily grind at the office.


. . . Thanks for 'siccing' [Bertha] Van Brunt onto me. I have not seen her lately but she has poured into my ear her unfulfilled-desire visions, always at an ill chosen time and place, namely, at the Gas Office. . . .


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Fraternally and best of love.


