Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 365 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
July 9, 1936
Care Frater 666
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
You ask [in 26 June 1936 letter]: Watchman, what of the night?
One replies: "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto, ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the day star arises in your hearts."
In other words it would seem that the Silver Star is again the ascendant.
When, on May 7th 1934 a brief note was sent you signed "Aum" and ending: "Keep your ayin on the 'M.Post'." the old watchman had really been trying to do you a good turn, as is evidenced by the enclosed partial copy of letter sent to editor of the Morning Post on May 1, 1934, at which time your libel suit first came to his notice. But it evidently was not to be, for the letter was not, I believe, printed as requested.
However, at that time some interesting Qabalistic notes were made, and of these I find I have a carbon copy ready to hand in my files. I think you might like to see these notes which, having been made long before it was possible for the result of my action in appealing to the editor of the M.P. to do the fair thing to appear, do show plainly the workings of my mind at that time in regard to yourself and the affairs of the A∴A∴—although introducing other private affairs of my own which you will treat in confidence.
Don't altogether discount the value of the J.J. formula; it has enabled me on more than one occasion to strike effective blows at your enemies, and there are other reasons why it seemed well to establish its usage.
Of recent months there has been a marked revival of what we may term the A∴A∴ current, in connection with the very complex conditions which were almost bound to arise in the life of one whose original motto was U.I.O.O.I.U., concentrated later in A and O. We must each one try to work out our true Will, and the value of an independent working is just as great as might have resulted from continuous cooperation and exchange of ideas. Whether the formula of "divination hither homeward" has now run its course, and we are getting near home at last, or whether this brief interlude of inter-communication is just the hailing-sign between those who faithfully "keep watch" is hard to say at this moment.
There is no ill will in my heart towards you or your Work, and I am convinced that "pure will, unassuaged of purpose, and delivered from the lust of result, is in every way perfect" so that when this condition is approached, even for a short period of time, the whole universe thrills with that blissful harmony which will in due course be the means of its redemption from all pain.
Love is the law, love under will
As ever,