Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




21 July 36



Care Frater 666


 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


. . . Mrs [Bertha] Van Brunt called on me, and I think she will get straightened out if she keeps her promises. She particularly desired to inform you she had a vision of a gigantic all white locomotive arriving in Los Angeles, which she says meant you were coming here.


. . . 1 32° Mason has signed up for the O.T.O. (Bring along the die of Baphomet's seal for new Pledge-Forms). This is not the 32° before mentioned, Schreider. Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] and self took Schreider out to dinner and we had a long talk. . . . He weakened decidedly before the dinner was over and said he would join us this week or next. . . .


I shall be tickled pink to be able to introduce you to the numerous people who have heard your name, and probably think I am not conscious of any other being living on this planet. And Regina [Regina Kahl] has the names and addresses of all her Drama and Choric speech pupils to whom she had introduced so much of your poetry. At this summer session alone they amount to 125 a week.


. . . I believe we are going to town this time. Things are getting into such a hell of a mess all over, and I have always felt they would have to before we made out big strides. I have prayed long years for it. We have just got to get established before you incarnate on Venus: the more crystalline under the Master hand the less subject to change by smaller men. We will raise hell yet, or rather "bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men." The "false gold" indeed is going to "pale before the gold divine".


Hail, Therion! All Hail


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P.S. But a miracle has got to happen here—in the matter of money; we are strapped here.


