Correspondence from Pearl Brooksmith to Gerald Yorke




3 Qrauoike [?] Rd.







Gerald my Dear


Am so sorry I haven't answered your letter before—but it's been chasing me about the country-side—I left the [illegible] about 3 weeks ago with A.C. still in charge—don't know what happened but he did a 'moonlight flit'! All my [illegible] were sent to Grosvenor Sq. including your Equinox—so can you wait for it till I come back to town which will be on the 17th. Tho' the Lord knows where we're going to live—or what job I'm going] to do, but do something I must or starve—The [illegible] really is getting a [illegible] at last. I sincerely hope will be out on the 23rd. Of course it's costing me more than I imagined and the difficulty is getting the cash in, as no one will do anything without being paid before hand! One man and my [illegible] have been really noble [illegible] for me—all [illegible].


Am enclosing an order form for the 11/- edition—also a new prospectus for the £1-1 edition—so do try [illegible]—I think so far we have sold about 50—I of course sell the 11/- ones—[illegible] not too hard.


Hope you're having a sad [?] time—Personally [illegible] dead-beat [?]—having my small son to [illegible] compete with plus a very difficult Mother so shall be thankful to get back to Town at last! Shall leave to find a flat or something to put my body also A.C.'s—as he is also houseless at the moment—Quel vive!


When do you turn up in Town again? This address will find me till the 17th. The 68 Grosvenor Sq. until I let you know where I'm going to be—


All the best.






