Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




7 Nov 36



Care Frater 666




Thanks for your letter and the Word [of the Equinox].


Because you say I ignored you completely, and further, that I have not explained why Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] withdrew, I enclose a copy of mine of September 22. This is all I knew—and know. It certainly looks as if some of my letters don't get to you.


You also make no mention of the Astrology Magazine I mailed you containing 'Man' from Little Essays Toward Truth. . . .


I have decided to suspend operating the Lodge for the time being, as Max [Max Schneider] has so effectually cancelled out our efforts by warning all members to keep away—which they have done. But I am not quitting. I intend to make a better effort with better people before we open again.


The Mass [Gnostic Mass] has not been interrupted, but I found it a little hard to go through for a couple of Sundays following the receipt of your very disturbing letter. If only some one would give us money to get new robes. I need 130 to 200 dollars to make a good job of them.


I am disappointed too that in all this time we have not held any one of position, but you see anything connected with Crowley is still taboo. Most people are dirty-minded, afraid or both, and blame you for their sundry weaknesses. It is too silly, but just a few days ago a local rather big shot who has visited us a number of times, raved with indignation over the first few lines of the verses on America in 'Carmen Saeculare'. I question if he read to the end, but even if he had his spleen had affected his brain, so to speak and it would not have helped.


But it gave dear old Regina [Regina Kahl] her wanted opportunity to dress him down. He has been making a strenuous bid for her hand, so to speak, but he made no headway. I myself am not at all sure he is not an agent to investigate our activities here.


Well, enough for now, I hope we won't have any more misunderstandings.


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