Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
[22 December 1936]
I am installed here, but it has been a fantastic nightmare. It really did require magical operations tumbling over each another . . . Bracewell arrived on Sunday at 1 o'clock to fix everything up with [A.E.] Richardson. He had not come; he had not sent an apology; and that moth-eaten wife of his was playing monkey tricks on the telephone. . . . Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] is here with John [her son], but they are going to Eastbourne tomorrow.
I have never met such futile, fumbling foozlers as the Atlantis Vookshop crowd. But "rats and mice and such small deer have been Tom's food for many a year." There are innumerable important pieces of work to be done, and I cannot make a start on any of them.