Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley








the 28th of april 1937



M. r. M. Th. [Most reverable Master Therion],


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I thank you for your detailed letter to which I will reply at once.


I do not know the british laws and I am sure that our mutual friend will do whatever he could do. We must remember that his action was a pure complaisance and that I have no right or possibility to press him in any way.


I am very sorry to read about your misfortune with your residence of course don't mind, when you have no possibility for my lodging. When I was last time in London I dwelled in the Y.M.C.A. in the city's centre, and perhaps our agent could arrange my dwelling there again, if you are still hindered.


I separate the astrologie from the fungous, dull "occultistic" interest. You are right, the latter peoples without brain with only sick and hysteric imaginations are no good. The man with astrologic interest however is in Germany frequently of a serious and reliable kind, which fits much better for the serious and difficult studies of esoteric science and for the adoption of the law of Thelema, than the men of business and action. The latter men are materialists, who don't see but their profit, or they are men of politics only less interested in the spiritual life of the single individual than in the prosperity of their nation.


Or do you think, that any man of business or politics feels an interest or understanding for the mere elements of your science such as Qabalah and Magic for instance? Such men have only one judgment about these things: nonsense!


I don't think that the Führer needs to destroy the church, for such a trial would make the churchmen to martyrs, while their remaining without the pressure of the government makes them die and faint away more and more by their own interior quarrelling parties, who just in this time are fighting very heavily one against the other. Who is going today still into the Protestantian Church? Grand mothers and some grand fathers, but not the young generation who laughs or at least does not understand the contents of the Testaments or who refuse the old jewish testament. And the Catholics? They are still living from their opposition against the government, but how long? it is only a very feeble and cowardly resistance and they are dying too.


But what will be the replace? Thelema? When ever, then never by the force of business men. Did you ever see the merchants play the game of Martyrs? Were the apostles business men? You were Prometheus, who brought the fire from heaven and who now seems to be forged on the solitary rock of loneliness and hatred. And what is to be the fate of the fire, you brought us? Is it to expire in the hands of business men and active men who know but their earth and who smile about the "obscure nonsense of spiritual life"? In whose hands will your fire enlighten the world? In the unnumerable crowd of seething peoples who feel—conscious or unconscious—a burning hunger for spiritual life and whose unextinguishable glow and ardour once will enlighten the world in spite of every resistance, just as Hitlers imperturable Will to bring Germany the consciousness of her own will broke down at least each and every obstacle.


Well, my plan was, on the base of my knowledge of the cosmic laws in Astrology to show to a growing circle of men, how the pure will of each man finds its correspondence in the cosmic constellation. From this base I planned to introduce these men in the deep doctrines of your works. But your reply convinces me, that this way, even if successful, will find only a few serious men. So I shall go on now to a greater play, to the publicistic in as many periodicals as possible, to spread around the ideas of the Law and of your knowledge in an uninterrupted continuation. I know, that I can rely upon my pen, and regarding the urgency of your letter I shall put back every other of the second roll and I will resign on my own initiation in order to use my whole time in the propaganda for the law.


You suggest to use your coloured design of the Hakenkreuz as decoration for flags, porcelain, toys etc. and to make an arrangement with some firm which manufacturers such articles to buy the rights. I am very sorry that I must inform you, that this way cannot be executed for the reason of the German law, which does not allow to use the Hakenkreuz being a sign of national highness in any form for decoration purposes.


But perhaps this design can become one day the sign of the German Thelema.


Of course I should be pleased to help in financial respect, if I could see any way, but in this very time, I cannot. Perhaps in later times one could examine the question of your going from England to Germany, when we see, that your work comes forth here. I must confess that I am a little annoyed, that in these urgent times your friends of your own country, to whom you brought your great life work do not find the middles to assist you in the necessary measure. Is that AA not able to give you what you need? Are they all, your friends, mere business men, who see only their own profit and who do not know higher spiritual aims and the high appeal on their own honour?


Referring to the Equinox of the Gods I should thank you if you could leave to me just this book as a uncharged present or receipt for my tried small help in the sign of your friendly relation to me, and if you can, please write in this copy for me a handwritten dedication addressed to me as a souvenir.


I was very glad to see, that you despatched meanwhile Chapter II of the Comment to AL, and I thank you for it. The Chapter I is already in the hands of Miss Küntzel [Martha Küntzel] for translation purposes.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours sincerely


Friedrich Lekve


