Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Henry Chellew




11 Manor Place


PAD: 1580



die [Friday]

[16 July 1937]



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I took a Yi King symbol for our idea of yesterday, and got Shang—"advancing and ascending". The same symbol turned up for my day this morning. So I just have to write to you.


The most essential—the one essential—is that you should get The Equinox of the Gods and know The Book of the Law as thoroughly as it is possible for a man (I myself know little.) For this Book is the sole basis of the New Aeon, and its study shows you the impregnable ultimate strength of our position, and the appalling immediate difficulties. It would be impossible, fantastically so, to put it across by propaganda: but the facts of event justify its Wisdom daily.


You might get a copy from Atlantis [bookshop] or from Marks [bookshop] in Charing X Road, possibly even from Watkins [bookshop]. (I can't be sure—only about 40 copies got out). If not, ring me to-morrow A.M. before 9, and I will try to borrow one for you.


I will let you have my address in a day or two, and hope to see you under brighter skies.


Love is the law, love under will.






