Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[On paper of the Langham Hotel.]
14 Oct [1937]
Yours of Sept 28. You should by now have the new Pass-Word—proof that you are in good standing with the A∴A∴. Russell [C. F. Russell] is just a common crook—blackmailer and swindler. He will soon get what he has asked for. Regardie's [Israel Regardie] R[osicrucian] Adventure is good history. His GD [Golden Dawn] mere reprint of Equinox. He has no personality or ideas, but a sound plodding scholar.
Spencer Lewis is not in Cairo, but in San Jose.
I never understood the story of Max [Max Schneider] and Law Courts and pregnancy. I get these tales in jig-saw style, with half the sections missing. And you expect me to guess what it's all about. Who is pregnant, and if not, why, and what does it matter to which, and how not.
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