Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
18 Jan 38
. . . For the last two months we have had living with us three young people: Phyllis Pratt, 20, Unmarried, Lew Carroll [Luther Carroll], the Deacon and Toni [Carroll] his wife. However a few days ago the wife left to try and make a go of things with another man, much to Lew's relied. Paul Seckler, 22, sweetheart of Phyllis, has replaced the afore-mentioned Toni. Lew, Paul and Phyllis I have a feeling will stay with us; in fact, I think this is the thin edge of a new start. They are young, Christianity has no illusion for them, but more than anything else they are not "would-be occultists" thank God. Also 4 or 5 others, all drama pupils of Regina [Regina Kahl] have Friday evening to read Equinox etc. . . .