Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
Six Hasker Street. London. S.W.3.
26 Sept 38
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am afraid I have not been answering letters lately as I should. My hands being very full indeed with the crisis, and fixing up Headquarters and getting out the "Heart of the Master". I am sending you a few copies in a day or two, but (you know) it is not very satisfactory. I supply you with enormous quantities of ammunition, and nothing ever comes back; this is not business, and it will not do.
If you had any ability whatever, you could make a tremendous thing out of the very exact fulfilment of the prediction of the prospectus of the "Equinox of the Gods". I simply cannot understand your puddling along the way you do. You never seem to effect anything; you do not seem able to do as much as to get into prison. This is not how great movements come to success.
I wish I could come over to "ginger" you all up, and it may be possible if war breaks out, because I shall certainly ask for my old job if the United States shows any backwardness in coming forward.
With regard to your letter of September 1st. I am really very much gratified by Leffingwell's [Roy Leffingwell] calculations. Baphomet however adds to 729. At the same time all this private work seems rather futile in view of the terrific issues at stake. You ought to be getting out and doing something, whatever the risks.
Please tell Jane [Jane Wolfe] that I got her letter and will submit it to someone who knows something about acting next week.
I enclose the Word [of the Equinox], and end on a note of confidence such as I have not known since 1914.
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