Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
24 Chester Row.
15 July 39
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am much ashamed at not having answered your letter of June 20th before now. I have been terrifically busy getting out the Yoga book [Eight Lectures on Yoga], of which I enclose a prospectus. We have also got out the Chinese Classic "Purity" [Khing Kang King], a very beautiful book, 100 copies only, numbered and signed. Each copy is bound up according to the purchaser's requirements, and each contains an original sketch. In this way every copy is a unique copy. It costs three guineas and the idea seems to be a good one as we are doing quite a little business.
I am very glad to hear of your good news and hope it will come to something.
I cannot understand why you issue a booklet like the enclosed without the smallest indication of its source. Surely the second object of a publication is to get the reader to make personal contact with you.
I have sent you 30 copies of the Yoga Book in sheets to save duty; you must get it bound yourself as nearly as possible like the sample copy which I am sending you under separate cover.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally