Khing Kang King



Published Date:

7:40 a.m. on 22 June 1939


Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) (BCM/ANKH)


Western Printing Services, 31-35, Brick Street, Piccadilly, W. 1.

Published At:



10 pages.


Priced at three Guineas.


100 copies printed on hand-made paper and issued unbound with copies specially bound to the purchaser's requirements.

Some copies were issued with an original watercolor or pen and ink drawing by Crowley on the back of the frontispiece.


A partial distribution list of the edition as provided by Crowley is as follows:

01. Aleister Crowley. This copy is bound in green buckram with two onlaid perpendicular patterned cloth sides, approximately 3 1/4” wide.

02. Gerald Yorke. Bound in half buckram, subfusc.

03. Lady Frieda Harris.

04. Pearl Brooksmith.

05. Mrs. Blanche Senior (with "Pagoda Landscape" drawing).

07. Ben Stubbins (with "Taoist and Demon Vase" drawing).

11. J.G.B. [James Glibert Bayley].

15. Karl Germer (with "after Mitei" drawing).

20. Ben Stubbins (with "Hemaphrodite with Vase" drawing).

21. ditto.

27. Wilfred Talbot Smith (with "Volcano and Two Pinnacles" drawing).

28. Wilfred Talbot Smith (with "Zen Buddhist" drawing).

38. F. H. [Lady Frieda Harris?] (with "Man in the Moon + A.C. + Mountains" drawing).

42. M[ichael]. Juste (Michael Houghton). Bound in green cloth. (with "I am not I - The Bulb" drawing)

63. Clifford Bax. Bound in Chinese paper; Blue, Red and Gold.

69. Fiat Caput Celeste (Gerald Hamilton).

93. Lady Frieda Harris (with "Mother Goddess" drawing).


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- Khing Kang King






Title Page


Example of Pen & Ink
