Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
24 Chester Row.
23 Aug 39
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of Aug 9 to hand very welcome with enclosures. There has been a snag about the Little Essays [Little Essays Toward Truth]. There is a new regulation about sending books to America. It is not sufficient to have the printer's address showing the country of origin. The three words Printed in England" and no others, must be printed on each copy. The books sent to you were therefore returned. What I am doing is to have the 50 sets of sheets sent to you for you to have bound up as convenient.
With regard to the Classic of Purity [Khing Kang King], I am sending you two copies complete with original sketch; they had better be bound up by yourself according to your liking; but I do not think it is any use to bind it in leather. I got some Chinese gold paper for one or two copies, and it looks very well.
I cannot understand why you did not cable me about the death of Spencer Lewis and follow it up with all the newspaper cuttings you could lay your hands on.
Thirty copies of the Yoga book [Eight Lectures on Yoga] in sheets are on their way to you.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally