Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




1 Sep 39



C.F. 666




Night before last I returned with Regina [Regina Kahl] from a two-day sojourn on our property, now renamed Agapae Valley. It is a beautiful spot, and I am trying to figure out ways and means of securing another 640 acres; which would give us the major part of the whole valley. With the aid of Leffingwell [Roy Leffingwell], who was with us (along with his wife [Rhea Leffingwell] and son-in-law), we performed the Mass [Gnostic Mass]. On the spur of the moment, I consecrated the place with the words: "Be this Valley and the hills, the earth thereof and the water, the air and the fire, consecrated to the Great Work and the establishment of the Law of Thelema."


Later we initiated Brother Wade [Floyd Wade] into the Minerval degree. We have successfully initiated 8 others into the Minerval degree, and on Friday and Saturday week, we are putting the eight through the first degree. . . .


