Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




16 Nov 39



Care Frater 666




Thank you for the Word [of the Equinox] and letter. I gathered together maps and drew an enlarged one right after your letter arrived, and will forward them under separate cover. I did not send them before because the whole matter is hanging fire since your letter. I can't boost the project ahead till papers are in our hands, and the place is legally ours, which is not the case as yet. The fellow is holding back a little endeavouring to dictate policy. Also the piece of property I particularly want to acquire is held up for the time being. . . . Please have patience. . . .


Don't expect any money from me unless I have a windfall. I am having a struggle to keep the place going let alone swing this valley deal. Regina [Regina Kahl] and Jane [Jane Wolfe] and Mary [Mary K.] not working yet. Jane may not get a job, and have to accept a miserable 12.50 dollars a month. I am actually borrowing monthly to keep the family going. . . .


It may be a month or two before I have the deal in the clear. . . .


