Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




19 May 41



Care Frater 666




. . . We have had several letters from Germer [Karl Germer] since he got to New York. . . .


Sunday and Louis Culling drove up from San Diego to take them.


Funds are very low as every one so far connected with us is very poor financially. But we are moving ahead slowly. Seventeen were here Sunday night. I am pleased to tell you that Leffingwell [Roy Leffingwell] and family—6 altogether—are back in the fold after having been swung away from us for a time.


There are two more definite prospects for June, and these two want the Church of Thelema to marry them. Have you a ceremony, or do I have to arrange one from your writings, as I did when Jane [Jane Wolfe] insisted that her mother be buried by the Church of Thelema?


I feel sure we are on the road this time. The group is much more united than even in Vancouver days. Doubtless the times and the new rituals combined explain it.


I will write you at least once a month. Regina [Regina Kahl] and Jane send their love.


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