Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




27 Feb 42


[Note: Per Gerald Yorke this letter was not sent.]


Beloved Brother


. . . And your letter, thanks so much. . . . Your letter is invaluable. . . . Three weeks on my back has relieved a strain of near nervous break down proportions and given me lots of time to think, energy for which I have not had for years and thus none was given to the review of the so called Manifesto. Likewise the operation for bad hemeroids [sic] has given a terrific relief from about 8 years of discomfort. The doctor said he could not imagine how anyone went around in such a condition. And I am through with twenty years of the office. I am just not going to return to the masakistic [sic] drive. If I do not achieve some results for the cause in the next few months, well, hell, we can just write failure—finis.


But there are indications of promise and I don't feel like a failure. I feel as if I had been turned about. Around me I have a small group devoted to you, the cause and me. I am sure they actually love me. They have varied qualifications. Burlingame [Ray Burlingame] has a money sense and business capacity etc. Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] with his knowledge of astrology and psychoanalysis is an excellent judge of character and has other assets. Parsons [Jack Parsons] outside activities, explosive engineer, if young yet it looks as if he may give us some real material support in the near future and he has other qualifications. Helen [Helen Parsons] has ability to guard the purse strings and I hope will provide the Red Powder of Projection. Regina [Regina Kahl] toned, still has a place for she has taken it on the chin and stands.


There are a few others with lesser qualifications and others on the way. We are considering better quarters possibly in Pasadena and my only regret is that Jane [Jane Wolfe] says she would not move with us, mainly on account of her sister [Mary K.] who still refuses to become one of us. However as it is possibly some few months off events may change her mind when we actually come to the point.


The following I evolved a few nights ago, I like it, do you?


Horus, Lord of the Aeon

Mighty Miracle of Majesty

Luminous counter everywhere

Filling the Universe with Light.

Energy-Source of all things

Celestial and Terrestrial.

Pierce me with thy Rays!

Heal the disease of self-knowledge,

Fulfill me of Thine Force

To prosecute Thy Will

Which is mine!



