Correspondence from Helen Parsons to Perry Tull
March 27, 1942
A typed letter signed, approximately 10 lines, from Helen Parsons (later Helen Parsons Smith) to Perry M. Tull, dated March 27, 1942 e.v., on a single quarto sheet, headed with 'Agape Oasis' and with the Terrace Drive, Pasadena address at the foot of the page (both typewritten).
Parsons begins and ends the letter with the full Thelemic Greetings ("Do as thou wilt, etc"). She requests that Tull make payment for O.T.O. dues and goes on to point out that he is obligated by the rules of the Order to pay them, and should do so promptly. The letter is signed in full, Helen Parsons.
[signed] Helen Parsons