Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins
10 Hanover Square. W.1.
22 Apr 42
My dear Brother.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (This is the regular greeting to be put at the head of all letters).
Yours of Apr 21. I don't know how you arrive at £1-3-1. Enclosed are the items. Please look into this; I know I am utterly useless at figures, but I think I am right—for once. The price of the Chinese book [Khing Kang King] is guineas not pounds. See full account attached. I am sending you the blue "Ben" Liber 77 [Liber OZ] as you ask, also the "Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government" which has become very topical. Try it on local debating clubs! Start something! This applies also, and more so, to the Liber 77 cards—reprinted on the P[ost] C[ard] with photograph.
The Law of Thelema is the only basis possible for the new social system which the War has made instantly imperative.
As a special personal gift, please accept a copy of "Songs for Italy". These are very rare and valuable, of great historical interest as proof that I knew in 1923 what it took Winston Churchill till 1941 to find out!
What I am most interested in is the Tarot [The Book of Thoth]; we have simply got to get this reproduced and published, as per financial papers I sent you. You and your friends might form a syndicate to take this up, if it is too heavy a burden for one pair of shoulders. It is so annoying for me; income more than ample, yet nothing that can be turned into capital. And you can take not only the shirt off my back, but my pants into the bargain, to get this done! It is the vindication of my life's work for the last 44 years; and will be the Compass and Power of the good ship Magick for the next 2000 years.
Love is the law, love under will. (This is the regular greeting to end all letters.)
Yours fraternally.
Aleister Crowley. 666.