Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Perry Tull
Pasadena, California
November 16, 1942
Dear Perry Tull:
The Tarot proofs arrived safely. I did not acknowledge their receipt at once, for we decided there was nothing to be done but make a copy of these pages, so that we might study them—a job requiring some time and energy. The last page was turned Sunday afternoon, and the package goes back to New York this afternoon.
We still need volumes 5, 6 and 10 for 2 sets of The Equinox. Can you possibly obtain them, or any one of them? And what price?
The Order moves along, some times with a spurt, again slowly. As a matter of fact 21 have joined since your advent. But!—Uncle Sam has called some of them, others of the group are not just as active as one could wish, while 3 or 4 have moved out of the State. But two did join who stand shoulder to shoulder with us. Parsons [Jack Parsons] and his wife [Helen Parsons]; and they are of great help.
It is nice to hear from you again, and I am glad you met Karl Germer when you went to New York. He is worth knowing.
Fraternally yours,
[signed] Jane Wolfe