Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Anne Macky
June 12, '43 E.V.
Cara Soror,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for cheque £7.7.0: you have, I believe, the receipt: please remember "The Equinox of the Gods" £1.1.0: the receipt was on the same sheet.
About the "corporate body", there is your opportunity, if you are really keen, as you well may be when you have seen the rituals 0° — III°.
People in general have changed tremendously in the last 50 years. Some "get nothing out of them"; some dislike and distrust them; still more think them a bit puerile. And so on. Many of those who are most zealous for the Order, in its aims and its general principles, don't care for that part of it. And even those who do say "We simply haven't got the time". It is a very heavy task to start a Lodge, even with my greatly simplified rituals. But IF you want to take up that part of the work, it would be easy for you to find two or three more suitable people. Then I would advance you to the VII° in the course of a few months, by special dispensation, and then grant you and two others a charter to work up to the III°. When this is well established, the powers could be extended to include IV° and P.I. which ends the symbolic cycle, which one might call "The mystery of pneaumation". The higher degrees V° — IX° are all comments and extensions, based on the II°.
You will understand this better when you have been through the rituals with me and had a talk.
About your mind: yes, indeed! You waste a lot of time, and irritate yourself, by idle speculations. But steady work, and results visible from the beginning, will soon sure that.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O.
P.S. I will ring up soon as I know whether I am going away; and if so, when.