Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ben Stubbins




93 Jermyn Str.



Oct 13 [1943]





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Couldn't answer yours yesterday: my birthday: telephone calls, wires, cables, visitors from Marmarchis to Hathor and to Toum!


O.K. about Liber Aleph: it was only that I wasn't sure. It is the bound set of proofs of Equinox Vol III No. 2 which has a big supplement "Jesus" [The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw], which has vanished. It cannot be replaced: I am in great distress. I enclose copy of Jack the Ripper! The Tarot [The Book of Thoth] can't get published at all until I find £30. They insist on cash to get the 4 extra colour plates; and they must be put in as pages have been left blank for them in the book. Otherwise it is ready to print off; when it is bound (not before) I will accept subscriptions. Quite a lot have been promised. So do find £10 (or more) for me—and call it a donation if you will! Anyhow I'll make it up to you soon or late. E.g. you could have the typescript of The Net [Moonchild] with all the real names of the people concerned. It will fetch £25 or more as soon as I am dead: and that will be very soon, unless this dreadful worry is abated. Do come to the rescue, as so often before, dear brother.


Love is the law, love under will.






