Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry




93 Jermyn St.




Nov 29 '43 e.v.



Care Frater Hymenaeae Alpha


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


(Note. Hymenaeae is the vocative of—ae us) My last letter: I was still 3 parts asleep: so forgot to mention this.


I spray the words asyndeton and aposeiopoesis on you for the reaction.


If you knew them, OK.


If you didn't, you should have pulled me up, and made me explain.


Impossible for a poet to take too much trouble about words.


Did Fra [Karl Germer] give you the Honorary IX° of O.T.O.? It is most important for you for many reasons most of them 20 – 30 years ahead.


You handed me your October contribution to the publishing fund to save trouble: what about subsequent contributions? I ask, because will wonder about you.


I enclose the "documents". But oh dear! I was tired, I was, I was, and then some. For I suggested as collateral the very stock that we have to sell to pay the amortization! The best plan will be (I think) to deposit in your name at your Bank, say 15 copies of the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] book. O.K.?


Nov 29. 1st day's search for books. "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] put away behind stacks of rubbish: will be drug out in time. "Vision and the Voice": no luck: will lend you mine until it changes. "City of D.[readful] N.[ight]": no luck: will ransack Charing X Road on Wednesday.


Excuse this scrappy note!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




