Correspondence from Karl Germer to Perry Tull
K. J. GERMER 260 West 72 New York, N.Y. Zone 23
January 12, 1944
My dear Perry [Tull],
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of Jan. 11th and M.O. [Money Order].
I think your idea of trying to get a group together to study A.C.'s works is marvellous. Let me know more about it when you are ready and any help I can give you, will be at your command if I can. And if you can find someone who is willing to put up a share for the publications fund, do your best.
I am enclosing a copy of Liber ARTEMIS, and I wish you would study it most carefully. It is for those who have been given that document you know of and failure to adhere to the "Ever unto me" has led to the most fearful messes. In California they considered the whole thing as giving them license to do as they please, and we see the results. When I talked to you I insisted on this point very strongly, as you may remember.
As to your experience with the IX° I would be interested to hear from you. Did you notice any results? Did you adhere to the injunction "ever unto me"? Have you learnt to control your mind sufficiently so that you can keep the object of any operation under concentration at the crucial moment? Can you easily attain to the "Inflame thyself in prayer" passion and enthusiasm?
Lots of luck and success to you.
Love is the law, love under will.
[signed] Karl
[typescript attachment] Artemis [Iota] vel De Coitu Scholia Triviae