Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72

New York, N. Y.



March 7, 1944



Dear Jane,




I haven't replied yet to yours of Feb. 21 with copy of your letter to 666.


I note that Jack [Jack Parsons]  proposes to work in a small group rather than start regular lodge activities. Personally I think this plan is better, though even so he lacks magical and spiritual training. May-be he will learn in teaching as one always does.


I do hope he will be able to transfer at least $50 per month direct to A.C. Contributions have been meager the last month and will be for the next months as some people have dropped out, I hope only temporarily, and it throws most of the burden again on me.


I do hope Jack will find the resolution and strength to have Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] part from 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]. I believe I told you that A.C. has reiterated his warning against any relations whatsoever with Smith. And I see signs that the injunction is wise and that those who disregard it are finding themselves in trouble, even though their intentions appear to be 'good'.


I have no copies of the 'City of God' for sale, except one which is at your disposal if you can find a buyer. Nor do I know the edition that was printed, probably only a few hundred copies. This also applies to The Fun of the Fair of which I have no copy to spare.


The plan of that exhibition might be good. As to the Tarot [The Book of Thoth], the last A.C. wrote me was that the Chiswick Press had been sold to a gang of people who wish to disregard the arrangements he had made with the former people. This means that he may have to find another printing house. In any case it seems to make for delays. A.C. wanted to send me the complete proofs of the text of the Tarot ahead with the plates for the cards so that I could look around for a firm that would be willing to issue an American edition. I have not received this yet. He suggested McCoy's but I saw them a year or so ago and they seem to have gone out of that field. May-be there is more interest for such a scheme on the Pacific coast? Please discuss it and let me know.


Your remark in the letter to A.C. about his note to Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler] about Jack: This—in my view—has nothing to do with the Third Degree injunction but comes from the relation of Hierophant to pupil. The pupil showed a defect in his make-up by making a silly remark about a member of the Order and the Hierophant simply gave him a slap back in kind. There is nothing more complicated in this—so I think. That the remark should go back to Jack was probably the very intention and purpose of A.C.'s.


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All good luck to you and love.




[Handwritten in the margin next to the final paragraph:]

A practical understanding and application of Thelema (AL I).


