Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
March 30 [1944]
Excuse detracted style of writing; am still very jittery.
Dear Louis
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Just opened yours of 21st. My nerves went west, as foreseen (Jermyn St is now a main thoroughfare, Bombs to King St—Duke St bomb, and the row is perpetual) and I was forbidden to attend to anything. I had 3 days in Cambridge, helped to pull me together, but I must have a month at least complete rest—probably at Oxford or Cambridge. Latter might make a visit easy for you?? Will let you know when I go.
Thanks about £20 deal: will expect it April 1 or 3. Shall need it badly, because of health.
Not too bad for you, as you'll be getting repayments of the original £100 all the time. (O.K. to drop the $5 it's hardly worth the attention when it's isolated.) Also if you don't invest money, it dribbles away. Thou art wise.
I will take letters with me, and revise and get fair-copied when I'm well enough.
Lucky with binding [for The Book of Thoth]: picked up a parcel of genuine native-tanned native-dyed Nigerian Morocco. Will bind in 1/4 [leather] style. You, favored mortal, shall have a copy in 1/2 [leather]! (Full is N.[o] G.[ood]. can't get flawless bits big enough)
Liber Resh gives 4 adorations (Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] pp 425-6) with directions for facing (Deosil is clockwise—widdershins anticlockwise) Use at start signs of grades, 0° - 3° O.T.O., and Sign of Enterer; followed by Sign of Silence, at the "Hail"—Damn it, you saw me do it!
Thanks about medicine, but that male [illegible] refuses combat. Your suggestion would send us all to prison for about 350 years!
Love is the law, love under will.
Lieut. Grady L. McMurtry 1475th Ord M.M. Co (Avn) (Q) A.P.O. 638 U.S. Army