Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow




Bell Inn

Aston Clinton




27-7-44 E.V.



Dear Brother and Rt Revd Father in God,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Delighted to have yours, and to learn that by now you are in comparative safety.


But—have a heart! Those questions need a new Idea Rubba Qadisha, and then some! "Aleister Explains Everything" [Magick in Theory and Practice] is a book for beginners; I want questions hat would occur naturally to the average man or women who has just heard of this business or who has read a bit and decided to go a bit deeper into it, or who has got disgusted with the shifty pieties of the Great Family of Quack occultists.


Still, as to (1):—I haven't done this properly (AL. II 55) The attribution of the Enochian Alphabet is the nearest; but I haven't got the numbers.


(2) What's "manifest"? Possibly at birth, as in the case of picking a shooshok in Tibet and [illegible].


(3) The guardians should try to discuss the child's True Will, and govern themselves, and it, accordingly.


(4) Diff. of kind, I think. But this rose-tree is all thorns! I had thought of devoting a 'letter' to it; till now I have funked it.


(5) Yes: the automatic will. In man, Yesod; all the reflex movements and other unconscious workings. I may perhaps deal with this.


But please try to find some crazy ones. I will get out a list of those already answered.


Do you want to do some invaluable work while you're away? See enclosed: I should be so grateful.


Love is the law, love under will.






