Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow
Aston Clinton, Bucks.
16th August 1944.
The Rt. Rev. W.B. Crow, at Cowms Lodge, Lepton, Nr Huddersfield.
Dear Brother and Rt. Rev. Father in God,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for your letter of the Feast of the Heros. My letters to Father Newman and Mr. Brook will tell you my ideas about the Masonic degrees. I do not mind conferring degrees on anyone qualified under Yarker's [John Yarker] arrangement with the Grand Lodge of England; what he does about it afterwards would be his responsibility. With regard to Liber 77 [Liber OZ], please note that, except in quotations, no word has more than one syllable. I think the right to trade and the right to medical assistance is already implied. About the Book of the Law, we do not know what is important until we find out. We have to cover every line of investigation that occurs to us.
I will try to write a letter about Monsters.
Thanks in advance for the list of Fabulous Beings.* Thanks for your questions about A.E.E. [Alexander Explains Everything—this was eventually published as Magick Without Tears]. I will try to get the answers into the Book [Magick Without Tears]. Meantime the Question 1. The answer is difficult. It is rather like the case in astrology where thousands of people are killed at one time, one cannot suppose that all their horoscopes indicated this. Question 2, I doubt if I can do better that Essay 1 of the "Little Essays" [Little Essays Toward Truth]. 3, this is fully explained in 2 or 3 letters. 4, the last Chapter of the Equinox of the Gods is sufficient. I must incorporate it in this Book. Question 5, yes. Question 6, as I have told the Court of King's Bench "you may call me Little Sunshine". About the Gnostic Mass, the pillars are usually painted wood. I will try to find a photo of the East, and send it to you. In the O.T.O. the sword of Saladin is curved. 3, the Crown is the Egyptian Nemmes made of silk. Question 4, no. Question 5 I must discuss this with you viva voce. Question 6: no. Curse your successions! I do wish you people would stop 'playing Red Indians'!
Would your printers undertake a small book (from 60 to 80 pages) of mine? This is important and urgent.**
Love is the law, love under will,
Yours fraternally,
P.S. I will try to get you an "Eqx of Gods". Atlantis [bookshop] may have one: try!
* [illegible] has just arrived. Sorry, but I want a full list. There must be well over 100! ** Letter from printer just in. He won't even do the letter cards that you need.