Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Pearl Brooksmith
Aston Clinton, Bucks.
November 19th, 1944
Darling Girl,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter nearly tore my heart into rags. It's dreadful even to read about, and when one thinks it is you of all people in the world it is a thousand times worse.
You ask me about the Ministry of Supply. They have been worrying me for the last six months or very near it because of sending out those prospectuses [for The Book of Thoth]. They say I have no right to send them out without making a charge for them, but this is all rubbish because The Book of Thoth is really No. 5 of Volume 3 of the Equinox, which makes it a periodical and therefore outside their jurisdiction.
The object of the regulation was to prevent anyone starting anything new. But, as you know, the Equinox has been going since 1909, and after all it's only important purpose was to put my work before the world in a continuous stream, so I feel quite sure that we have not broken any of their beastly regulations after all.
Give my love to John [Pearl's son] if you get hold of him. I am not sure how long I shall be here. There is a half-hatched plan for me to go to a place on the borders of Kent and Sussex in about three weeks' time, but whether it will come to anything G.[od] O.[nly] K.[nows].
Love is the law, love under will.