Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow




The Bell Inn

Aston Clinton, Bucks.



January 24th, 1945



Care Frater,


I had received your letter of December 28th with the notification of change of address, but it seems to have got mislaid. I found it this morning when I was clearing up on my way to Hastings where my address will be:


c/o Vernon Symonds, Esq.,


The Ridge

Hastings, Sussex


Yours of January 19th. I am now quite all right in health, but the thaumaturgy of getting to Hastings seems to be of a higher degree of intelligence than any I have so far received.


The trouble with me is asthma due to emphysema, the result of two expeditions to the Himalayas.


I am very sorry to hear that you were not yet on Easy St. I gather the salary of a lecturer varies—one friend of mine was making 1200 a year out of it.


I sincerely hope that my host is not a friend of Scole.


Love is the law, love under will.


With every best wish,




Aleister Crowley.


Wanted. Index-concordance to AL.


Include all sorts of odd data about the letters in the M.S. E.g. how many ampersands are there? How many words? How many capital letters? Where is the connexion between verse n in Cap I and verse n in Cap II?


All that sort of thing.


I assume you have an "Equinox of the Gods" at hand; you need the MS photolitho. If not, let me know.


