Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jack Parsons
260 West 72nd St.
February 14, 1945
Dear Jack,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your very welcome letter of January duly arrived and I must apologise for not answering earlier—I have been too busy. I think your choice of Ray [Ray Burlingame] for his particular office is an excellent one.
As to the IX°: I wonder whether ultimate mastery of this art can ever be achieved. It is really a long path of discovery to first find out how and when it works, its conditions and phases. The fact that you received the formal instructions is really enough. That it may take years of training to master its prerequisites is up to you. I believe A.C. once told me that each one has to work out his own rules and contribute with the results of his personal experiences some day to the total wisdom and knowledge of the members of the Sanctuary.
I wonder whether it is correct to deduct 25% from your IX° fee. My view is that this is a due to Grand Lodge. It is not particularly important at this moment, and I'll take it up with A.C.—if I were I wouldn't worry too much about a formal charter for the time being. (I don't have one either.) Look at the case of WTS [Wilfred T. Smith] who had one and discredited himself and the Order by showing the Photostat copy around.
I have become a little wary of granting the IX° or revealing the secrets. I know that I've made mistakes. As to Ray Burlingame he has really given ample proofs of his worth, reliability and sincerity. Yet, let's wait a few weeks and I'll consult A.C. (Let me here mention that it appears that the copy of the 'Emblems' [Emblems and Mode of Use] you made here, seems to contain some errors; these should not be perpetuated and I'll have this corrected one of these days.) The same remarks apply to Betty [Betty Northrup]. I'll write A.C. Meanwhile he should have the copy of your letter forwarded to him.
Re 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue]: it was news to me that you had bought 1003. If the price was right, I would say, it was an excellent idea, as from all I have heard about it is a desirable property. I can't see how under prevailing housing shortages on the West Coast it can't be easily put on a paying basis.
I'm glad you made Georgia [Georgia Schneider] treasurer. Her proven full devotion may be contagious. I quite agree with your P.P.S. remarks. Don't pay any attention to outside groups. There is room for many forms of manifestation in the Body of Nuit. I am not quite clear on your statement of payments. If I take March 21st 1943 as the date from which to count, the following are amounts I received from Agape Lodge:
1943 April $50 May 75 June 75 July 85 Aug 75 Sept 70
1944 January $25 April 25
To this are to be added $50 which you handed me personally in March 1943.
What I want to have from you is a statement of the sums you have cabled apart from the above to A.C. direct, sums which are personal contributions. Also how much of the above stated sums are to be credited to you personally.
Re Statement of Lodge Receipts and Expenditures:—You give total Lodge Receipts in 1944 (9 months) as $167.00 and Expenses as $62.71. This would leave a balance of $104.29 plus the Petty Cash balance of $4.84. Please let me know whether this is correct, or ask Sister Georgia to write me.
I hate all this tedious bookkeeping, but I just have to make an effort to put everything on the square once and for all, and my records should tally with those of everybody concerned.
I think I have covered every point. Let me soon hear about my letter to you of Feb. 4th.
All the best to you and all members of the Lodge, both from myself and Sascha [Sascha Germer].
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. I enclose A.C.'s original letter to me of Jan. 16th as it should interest you. The expenses involved seem to be about $50 to $60 per month. It is most desirable that A.C. should have this assistance without worry and I'll take it up with him. If the ten copies of the Tarot [The Book of Thoth] arrive and you can sell some and I can dispose of some at this end, the problem should be solved. Please return the letter without fail.