Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Georgia Schneider
[14 March 1945]
One thing you might point out. Jack [Jack Parsons] says, according to Karl [Karl Germer]—"Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] is a Brother and must be helped."
He is not a Brother; he was expelled a very long time ago.
What I wish you would see is that immediately Smith appears on the horizon the whole of the Work of the Lodge goes completely to pieces. Nobody takes the slightest interest further in the Work. What to do about Smith! What to do about Smith's mistress! What to do about Smith's baby! What to do about the next 17 babies.
It is impossible to imagine any more destructive influence than Mr. Smith and it happens again and again. Everyone pledges loyalty and obedience, and immediately that they have done so, give a loud rude laugh and are disloyal and disobedient as they can invent a way of being.
And what is the nature of Smith's hold on these wretched weaklings? The Yi King seems to say that it is something in his personality with perhaps a touch of the sexual.