Correspondence from Karl Germer to Aleister Crowley
March 19, 1945.
Dear Aleister,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greetings of the Equinox! It seems I am entitled to send you the enclosed after all. There may be a delay until May. For a time it had looked as though insurmountable obstacles had arisen.
It may be possible to cable $275 in April also.
When is Grant [Kenneth Grant] going to join you? From when on will you require a supplement for him? I hope by that time Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] will be of assistance to you. He has been helping very nicely, and I will feel the loss.
When did you or the Printer send the 20 Tarot volumes [The Book of Thoth]? I am waiting most anxiously for them. Were they sent at all?
You might tell Grant that there are a number of brothers and sisters over here looking for thelemic books. If any should turn up in England, it would be wise to secure them. I have definite orders for the Collected Works, "Heart of the Master", No. 10 of Vol. I of the Equinox; several Books 4/II [Book 4, Part II]. Does a set of the Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III] ever turn up? I have been able to buy a complete set of the Equinox last week, 10 nos. of Vol I and the Blue volume [Equinox Vol. III, No. 1], also two copies of 777, both in good shape (one for $15, the other for $25). The set of the Equ. was $60.00. I could use a copy or two of Stephenson's blue covered book on you [The Legend of Aleister Crowley].
I hope you enjoy your stay at Hastings and that it will do you a lot of good.
Love is the law, love under will.
Love from Sascha [Sascha Germer] and myself.