Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




260 West 72nd St.



April 20, 1945



Dear Jane,




Let me quickly jot down a few paragraphs in answer to your recent letters before I forget.


The Word [Word of the Equinox] has not come in yet. Aleister only cabled me at the Equinox that the Word itself is ASTARTE. The formal thing has not arrived yet and will be mailed at once.


I'm surprised about all the difficulties with parcels. Over here a few ounces over don't matter, they accept and pass the package anyway. Still, I always add up the individual things and let then not exceed four pounds, figuring one pound for packaging. Also, there is always the grocer around to weigh the complete parcel before going unnecessarily to the Post Office.


Chocolate: I think it should be bar chocolate, which is the purest and most concentrated form.


I have not heard from Miss [Ayn] Rand, nor have I read her book. If I get a chance, I'll read it.


The Ego? I don't think I can give an adequate definition. I also believe the meaning changes with the authors, same as 'God' who for some is a man with blue eyes, a long white beard, sitting on a beautiful throne (pardon me, with a capital T) looking (only) benevolently down upon human beings and fulfilling ALL their wishes however contradictory they are. For others, as you know, God is Zero. So with the Ego. I believe in the highest sense it is Hadit. In the lower sense that which makes for separateness, egotism, the feeling that one is something which closer inspection reveals one is not. (Compare and use the Buddhist meditations on this subject.)—Generally, definitions are interesting but usually lead to discussions, differences of opinion, to 'Reason' and 'Because'.


Why must people like Ray [Ray Burlingame] be appointed tasks for which they are not fitted? Ray has qualities unrivalled by any out there. But it is silly to appoint a snake to a bird's role or vice versa.


I do wish I would soon get the MSS back with the copies I need. Some people are waiting. Will Roy [Roy Leffingwell] get a set of the 'Letters'?[1] If not I wish he would be given the Letter on Family.


Do I understand aright: Mary K [Mary K. Wolfe] has received her copy of the Tarot [The Book of Thoth]? I'd be happy. Frederick [Frederick Mellinger] got his last week. I hope the Burlingames will soon get theirs.


I think this is all for the moment. All the best to you and yours. This letter is a bit in a hurry, I'm still very busy answering arrears.


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As ever, Love,





1—These 'Letters' from Aleister Crowley were being written for what would eventually become a book whose working title was "Aleister Explains Everything." The letters were eventually published posthumously by Karl Germer in 1954 as Magick Without Tears.


