Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to William Bernard Crow
May 14 [1945]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for yours of 12th inst. It is really too good of you to take all these pains over me, and the least I can do is to help in any way I can.
I got our O.R. for April '45 from Rider and have sent for [illegible] which have not yet come. I'll send you one when they do.
I esteem Micklewright's article mush more highly than you seem to do. Only cavil is that he has not made it clear that "Oracles" was to show my work in Time-Perspective. The doggerel verses about the Drunkard and Gladstone were written one in '88 or '89, the other in '90 or '91: i.e. in my early teens. Their sole interest is the technical skill and vigour shewn at that age.
But he has down a supreme thing; he has shown a coherent and consistent pattern in my work from first to last. He has even worked "Hail Mary!" into the [illegible]. He has shewn me what I didn't know about myself.
When you read it again I feel sure that you will realize that it is an unique achievement.
Your having that Prospectus [for The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] saves me a whole lot of tumble. I have only to add, to complete the external side, the following.
'23 Mussolini, to cover up his foul murder of [illegible], expelled all literate aliens, myself among them. Left Sicily April 1.
'23 - '25 Tunisia and Algeria. Occasional visits to Paris and London.
'25 Summoned to Thuringia to a Conference of Masters.
'25 - '31 France, Germany and Portugal; trips to England.
'29 - '46 Settling down in England.
I will try to give you a synopsis of my Magical career; I hope you will have it some time next week.
I am very glad that you have understood so well my short exposition of the Masonic tangle.
In a few days what joy if you note that you were going to S'hampton!
Love is the law, love under will.