- The Death of a Drunkard
- The Balloon
- Spolia Opima*
- Lines on Being Invited to Meet the
Premier in Wales, September 92
- A Peep Behind the Scenes
- To Mrs. O——N C——T
- Elvina
- A Welcome to Jabez
- The Little Half-Sovereign
- Adaptation of “Onward Christian
Soldiers” to the Needs of Brethren
- Ode to Sappho*
- In a Lesbian Meadow*
- ’Tis Pity*
- My Wife Dies*
- The Nativity*
- All Night*
- Ode to Venus Callipyge*
- The Blood-Lotus*
- Translations from Baudelaire*
- Epilogue to “Green Alps”*
- Invocation
- A Litany
- Call of the Slyphs
- Chaldean Fools
- Hermit’s Hymn to Solitude
- The Storm
- Hymn to Apollo
- Venus
- Assumpta Canidia
- Night in the Valley
- March in the Tropics
- Metempsychosis
- Advice of a Letter
- On Waikiki Beach
- The Dance of Shiva
- Sonnet for a Picture
- The House
- Anima Lunae
- The Triads of Despair
- Sabbe Pi Dukkan
- Dhammapada
- St. Patrick’s Day 1902
- The Earl’s Quest
- Eve
- The Sibyl
- La Coureuse
- To Elizabeth
- Sonnets for a Picture
- Rondels at Monte Carlo
- In the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh
- The Hills
* These poems were originally
meant to appear in Crowley's collection of poems,
Green Alps, which
was never published having been destroyed by fire at the
printer’s. |