Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe





The Ridge,

St. Leonards-on-Sea



28 . 6. 45



Dear Estai,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for your letter of June 14th.


Your boxes have not yet arrived, nor has the chocolate from Ray [Ray Burlingame], most of your letter is, therefore unintelligible to me. Never a sign of Chutney.*


At the present moment it is impossible for me to eat anything that requires biting. My diet is consequently very restricted. Chocolate is all right because one can deal with it in little bits, but the days of beef-steak are gone for some months to come.


Indeed you are right about Grant [Kenneth Grant]. I really feel I ought to have someone to look after me a bit. I wish it could be arranged to have someone from you come over and do it.


If you want to see aesthetic Chess, get Richard Reti's book in which he explains how Chess has developed from a game of calculation.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




With much love to you and M.K. [Mary K. Wolfe] (and the rest) A.C.



* The three parcels just in. No time yet to sample: but the labels sound well!


