Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




5 July 1945






Dear Louis


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law


I felt quite unhappy about your train and I shall be very sad if you write and tell me that you missed it after all. Even so, you may find some consolation in the fact that the same thing happened to Catherine [Catherine Falconer], with the result that she found herself at Tunbridge Wells at o' clock in the morning. I have not heard anything either from Cowtan or from the Adamses, though I hope that your intervention will have stirred them up. It was a great pity that you could not manage a whole week here, but I hope you will be able to in August. Please give my best love to Joan. The weather has suddenly turned hot and close and I am feeling like nothing at all.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever


A. Crowley


P.S. I am asking Miss Kingston[1] to sign and post this for the saving of the day.



1—Crowley's secretary/typist at the time.

