Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Aleister Crowley







[Undated: circa October 1945]



Yours of the 27th and 24th Sept., in that order, have found me still in France. I suppose you received the V-mail saying I had gone to the U.S. That was one of the unfortunate incidents accompanying transfer of personnel. A new mail clerk unwittingly posted those completed forms. Even so we did not expect to be here long. This delay of a month in redeployment caught us right behind the 8-ball . . . Apparently my only prospect of seeing you will be to procure a passport and come to England after my release from the Army. Being caught in the coils of red tape involved in redeploying millions of men I doubt if I could arrange a stopover in England. Will try every possibility, however. It would probably be best if I were a civilian, anyway, and to be released from active duty I will have to go home.


