Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
October 25, 1945
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of the 22nd in yesterday. I thank you for giving me your precious time.
I cannot divert more than $65 by sending to you direct—bless me, not even that. I made the mistake of including Jack's [Jack Parsons] $14. Georgia's [Georgia Schneider] $14, Ray's [Ray Burlingame] $22, my $15. As he is sending $75 I can do nothing to increase the sum. He is at the end of the year when contributions are flowing. There should be a system whereby dues—paid January-March—could be spread over the year; or—well, that will need some thinking over.
There is something strange going on, quite apart from Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]. There is always Betty [Betty Northrup , remember; who thoroughly hates Smith. But our Jack is enamored of witchcraft, the houmfort, voodoo. From the start he always wanted to evoke something—No matter what I am inclined to think, long as he got a result.
According to Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] yesterday, he has had a result; an elemental he doesn't know what to do with. From that statement of hers, it must bother him—somewhat at least.
There was a time, at least, when Jack resented you—the Smith, Betty letters. Without in the least meaning to cause trouble, could he, while doing this evoking, etc., have thought of you? have thought of what he considers holds him back, or want to "interfere" in his preferences?
Fred thinks Jack should stop "his invoking". Meeka told me also that Fred was always banishing around 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue].
Margot [Margot Gwynn] found the place impossible when she moved there, the top floor the most grievous place, and finally located the handwrought silver ring of the bathtub which seemed to be the focus. With that removed the house cleared; She in the meantime purified and consecrated the ring, and has it with her. I shall ask to see it the next time I go there.
Love is the law, love under will.
All love to you and Sascha [Sascha Germer],