Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry





260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N. Y.




March 14, 1946.



Dear Grady,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for your M.O. [Money Order]. for $10.00, which, as you request, I have added to the transfer. To tell you the truth, I was surprised, as I am not counting on dues or fees from you for the present. I am sure your time will come again.


I hope it won't be too soon, and not in the direction of a military occupation. But with the papers and the radio full of war hysteria, anything might happen in the next three or four months.


Please let me know what thelemic books you have. Also what MSS. I would try to send you or get you as many typescripts as I have available, such as Liber Aleph, Tao Teh King and others; also, I believe you ought to have a set of the Equinox for reference. If you haven't any numbers of Vol. I, New York is the best market to pick up copies at reasonable prices. I have a spare copy of the Blue Equinox; it is complete except that the front picture of A.C. is missing. I have a copy of the Equinox of the Gods, and two extra copies of Sections I and II of the Collected Works. Also extra copies of The Diary of a Drug Fiend, The Stratagem, Mortadello, Book 4 Part I.


I could send all these to you as a loan for your use. I would also try to buy such other books as you do not have, such as odd volumes of The Equinox, and send them to you as a sort of lodge library, which can be gradually expanded. It is part of my policy to buy all Crowley items that I can, if reasonably priced.


Please let me hear about this soon.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally as ever,




