Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry





260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N. Y.




May 24, 1946.



Dear Grady,


I'll hold the copy of the Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend] and Liber Aleph and take both on my trip, and will give both to you personally.


No, Aleister is almost positively not coming over this year. Of course, he would have liked to have you with him, if it would have been possible. But with this surprise that you sprang on us, I mean "Foxie" [Marjorie Fox] and the expected baby, I realize that you could not go. So we'll have to forget about this.


Re. Jack [Jack Parsons]: this is quite a story. Meanwhile I've had the more or less full story from Bro. Culling [Louis Culling], and as I cannot make a copy, which I've sent to A.C. [handwritten by Karl Germer: "in sending his original letter."] (his cable reply: SUSPECT RON [L. Ron Hubbard] PLAYING CONFIDENCE TRICK JACK EVIDENTLY WEAK FOOL OBVIOUS VICTIM PROWLING SWINDLERS. OLLA PROCEEDING RAPIDLY.) Please return the letter at your earliest. Culling wrote me after that (on May 21) that he had shown my reply to Roy [Roy Leffingwell] and Max [Max Schneider], so that they too are fully informed. He adds: "In the past Bro. John [Jack Parsons] has stated that—'I guess Karl [Germer] & Crowley are off on me' and later changed that 'he was withdrawing and going it alone'. I took his statement as speculative but it appears that he now speaks more definite that 'he is going it alone'.—To do him credit I think he qualifies it in his own mind that later he will have the money—and that also his magick will bring him credit with the O.T.O.—i.e. he possibly hopes his quitting is temporary."


Some opinions on Culling that I've heard were not too trustful. It was suspected that he was the intermediate who kept W.T. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] constantly informed. I don't think you met him?


I want you to be fully informed, as 666 holds you in charge of the Californian activities, with any steps you decide to be taken with my approval. He may not realise that you can't jump up and down the west coast, and you will hardly be able to keep your fingers on the pulse any better than I from here. However, you know all the people personally, while I known only Max and Jane [Jane Wolfe]. Let us cooperate fully. Roy is now in charge of Agape Lodge and cooperates in harmony with Max' group. The first thing Roy is doing is to list all the property of the lodge, furniture, paraphernalia, and the library. The latter will now be run by a librarian in a proper business way. He has at once changed the money policy. But why should I tell you all these details: here is Roy's letter to me which please return.


In another two months I expect to be in Los. Angeles, so I keep any details on abeyance until then.


Who says that there are no thelemic children? Ray and Mildred Burlingame have produced a magnificent girl—Laylah; and Frederick [Frederic Mellinger] has a splendid boy, 13 months old. Do you likewise!


Jane made a remark in a recent letter that 'Jack took a beating when you were there'. Jack seems to have an oversensitive pride, boosted inordinately by his receiving the IX°, his appointment as head of Agape Lodge, considering himself a Grand Master. It went to his head apparently, and when you turned up as a special emissary from Grand Lodge and questioned him as everyone else—he may have felt this as a blow and a slight. This is the way I construct it with no facts to support it. I don't know how you stand personally with Jack. If you feel like handling him directly, do so by all means. My spontaneous reaction to the treatment I have received and the facts given by Culling, were expressed in my reply to him, and for your information I enclose the carbon. Be sure to return it after you've read it—with the other letters.


I would consider it perfectly legitimate if your view on Jack and your opinion on the way how to deal with him would differ from mine. Meanwhile a letter may be on the way from 666, both to you and to me. Use your own considered judgment if you think you should take any action in this matter.


Write soon. Sascha [Sascha Germer] and I are looking forward to meeting 'Foxie' (is she red- haired?). We'll be in San Francisco about July 22. You might better write me your phone number, in case we arrive at an inconvenient hour.


93     93/93


Fraternally yours.





1 cc - letter to Culling.

3 letters from Roy

1 letter from Culling.


